Nursery Classrooms

Downstairs Classrooms

Our Downstairs classroom is a fun and happy environment, full of energy and personality. We provide a home away from home for all of your children which are our children too. As a team, we work closely with our families and caregivers to create an easy transition allowing your child to settle at their own pace.

We want to see your child grow into strong, capable, confident and independent learners. We pride ourselves in feeling more like a family than simply being a school environment. The children guide our topic-based curriculum, which follows their particular interests. That’s why we see our children thriving and fulfilling their potential.

We start building their confidence and independence from the start by finding their peg names and hanging up their coats. The Acorn is a free-flow environment, which enables children to self-select activities of their choice. As an extension of their interests, we have daily end of sessions learning, which consists of Yoga, Circle Time, Dance and Predict and Explore.

The children have daily teacher led activities to consolidate their ongoing learning.

We also teach them to follow “Golden rules” created for the indoor and outdoor areas. The Acorn days are filled with music, which means that the children are exposed to regular music sessions with a pianist, singing our special Acorn Songs.

We encourage turn taking and healthy eating during a shared snack time, which consists of your child bringing a piece of fruit each day.

To ensure the best outcomes the children have an assigned key worker who develops a warm and positive relationship with them, meeting their individual needs and encouraging them to feel strong and secure.

From Little Acorns Mighty Oaks grow – Upstairs Classrooms

Welcome to the Upstairs class, where the Mighty Oaks grow. Upstairs, we reinforce and build on everything the chaps learnt in the Downstairs classroom as Little Acorns. We help them build their confidence and independence before taking their next big step in life, moving onto Reception. To ensure the best outcomes the children have an assigned key worker who develops a warm and positive relationship with them, meeting their individual needs and encouraging them to feel strong and secure.

The children guide our topic-based curriculum, which follows their particular interests. We love creating new topics to better cater for the children interests! In saying this, we love incorporating our parents into our topics as much as possible sharing your interests and communities with the children.

Once the children move Upstairs we do incorporate more focus times, this is an opportunity to introduce and consolidate their Literacy, Mathematical and General knowledge.

We use the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure we meet all the children’s needs. Once the children become Mighty Oaks we introduce Forest School, this is a wonderful opportunity for your children to explore the great outdoors and learn all about our wonderful planet.

Parents are invited to come into the classroom for Register and News, this time an opportunity for you to join your children and teachers singing The Acorn songs and listen to the news the children have to share.